Home ArticlesFocus Falls in series : Runners reveal hidden causes

Falls in series : Runners reveal hidden causes

by Julie Maugeais

Professional road cycling faces a worrying increase in falls, especially at the start of the season 2024, leading to serious injuries and raising concerns about rider safety. During a video exchange orchestrated by journalist Colin Bourgeat, several runners had the opportunity to express themselves on this worrying phenomenon. In total, fifteen French runners were able to express themselves : Rudy Molard, Julien bernard, Guillaume Martin, Axel Laurance, Pavel Sivakov, Kévin Vauquelin, Marc Sarreau, Geoffrey Soup, Maël Guégan, Jonathan Couanon, Jerome Cousin, Anthony Perez, Anthony Delaplace, Alexis Guérin, Louis Barré and Mikaël Chérel.

Multiple factors causing falls

Runners have pointed to a multitude of factors contributing to this increase in falls, with the behavior of runners on the roads at the top of the list. "From 2, 3 years for me it’s the behavior of certain runners that is the No. 1 cause” explains Anthony Delaplace. Rudy Molard also agrees : “There are behaviors that we can no longer see and today we must identify them and sanction them”.

Riders' testimonies highlight a series of factors contributing to dangerous behavior on the roads. Besides the behavior of the runners, several elements are underlined, especially the use of caffeine, stress related to UCI points systems, and the pressure exerted by the auricles.

Caffeine : ideal culprit ?

Guillaume Martin is the first to raise the potential role of caffeine in these behaviors : “The use of caffeine or certain things that some people may take, in perhaps exaggerated quantities which means that there are runners who are certainly not in their normal state during the races”. Maël Guégan continues : “I see the behavior of runners, I find that they become very aggressive and mean and it shows. You look into their eyes and you can see that they are almost no longer very lucid.. I think a lot of the falls are due to that.. Between two guys who are side by side and don't want to brake […] it's always the one on caffeine who will win and he won't think about the colleagues behind, to the consequences of his braking, of his fish tail.”

Anthony Delaplace tempers : “We are not going to kid ourselves, It’s not the number one cause of falls.. The 50 first kilometers of running not all runners are already on caffeine, it's especially in the end. […] There are already dangerous behaviors from the tenth kilometer”.

Rudy Molard
Photo credit : Color Vos

Runners under pressure : when the quest for points leads to reckless risks

Pressure and stress, amplified by the new points systems, push some runners to take reckless risks to obtain better places. Pavel Sivakov is one of those who highlights this reality : “With this points system I think that some runners will take more risks to be in a better position and have a better place in the end.. […] Everyone must fight for each place, it also creates this tension because the teams want points. […] It’s us runners who will really create this danger”. For Rudy Molard, the earpieces also have their role to play : "Pressure, we have it in our earpieces a lot so we can all run as a team. And there are some who are ready to do anything to avoid losing the wheel of their teammates.”

More and more serious falls

Kévin Vauquelin also highlights the increasing homogeneity of the level of runners : “It blows a lot less early so there are a lot more people.” Axel Laurance testifies to another crucial aspect : the technical skills of the runners. He declares : “I have the impression that there are riders who don't know how to control their bikes at all […] They have no skills”. Maël Guégan qualifies the idea that there are more falls than before : “I’m not sure there are a lot more falls than before. On the other hand we talk about it a lot more so we have the impression that there are more because with each fall something crazy happens, there is no longer a fall that happens without consequences. There are concussion protocols, broken vertebrae, broken ribs, we are talking about things that are serious”

To discover the solutions proposed by runners to remedy this situation, don't miss it second part of this article : “Falls in series : Riders demand strong measures from the UCI”. And for total immersion in the discussion, look the full video of the exchange between the runners.

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