Home Interviews Interview with Mathilde L’Azou (1/2) : a real swiss army knife

Interview with Mathilde L’Azou (1/2) : a real swiss army knife

by Tadej Pogačar

Although it is one of the most well-known team photographers in the peloton, Mathilde L'Azou held various positions throughout the year. She tells us about her jobs in this first part.

The profession of team photographer

Cycling Times : Hello Matilda, can you introduce yourself ?

Mathilde L’Azou : My name is Mathilde l'Azou. I have 27 years and I do several jobs in the world of sport. I started as a journalist for France TV Sport, where I was able to do the Rio Olympics, several Roland Garros, Six Nations, round, … Since then I have added other strings to my bow since I am a photographer, community manager and I can also be a press officer. Mainly in cycling with Team Cofidis or France 3 Bretagne or other organizations, but also a little bit in the world of athletics. So you will understand, I stay a lot in the world of sport. I also do weddings from time to time as a photographer. But my goal is really to meet people. And help them have memories by any means. Whether it be, by testifying. Whether in pictures. Or by being there to help them as much as possible.

C.T. : How did you get to the position you currently hold?, that is to say at Cofidis ? Or even to France TV ? 

M.L : It all started when I was little. I had 14 years when I did my first Tour de France as a journalist. It was thanks to the “Young reporters”. It was in 2010. And thanks to that, I started working for a site, first on a voluntary basis, who was called Velo 101. Then I joined a school of journalism as soon as I had my baccalaureate at the age of 16 years. After that, I finished my studies very early. Therefore, at 19 years, I had my license in my pocket and I was tired of studying. France TV, with whom I had done my end-of-year internship told me : "You don't want to come to the Tour ?”. And it went like this and 2015, I did my 2nd Tour de France. And after everything happened very very very very quickly. And in fact, Cofidis, I joined the team because basically, I was reporting for France TV Sport. Throughout the year, we followed them for a web-series and I took care of it and I had my camera because I was asked to take pictures also on the side to illustrate the site a little bit. They noticed my photos and it went like that.

C.T. : What changes between a so-called “more classic” photographer and a team photographer? ? 

M.L : Team photographer : you have to focus on the team you shoot. It is true that, for example, on the Tour de France, there are places that I would love to photograph because it is beautiful. The setting is amazing, the spectators too. But my first role, moi, it is to highlight the riders of my team and the sponsors of this team. So I really have to bet, for example, on a mountain stage, I would like to be able to put myself in a mythical collar and shoot. Except that in fact they will still be in a peloton or in a large group and suddenly I will not necessarily have them as I want. Whereas, for example, in Puy-de-Dome, I was all alone 800 meters from the finish. There was nobody and I was able to have them one by one. So here I really have to always think about how to showcase the team well. So that's a completely different strategy., another approach than when for example, Yes, I'm on the bike and where there I really only have to focus on the "pretty" aspect of the photos I can give.

C.T. : Your role, In fact, is to highlight the brand.

M.L : Exactly. And then to highlight the athletes. Necessarily ! They all have very cool stories to tell. – because I am also Community Manager from time to time for the team, especially when I'm in the field. So, I also choose how I highlight my photos and who. How can we tell a story that can obviously please the people who follow the team?, but also reach the general public.

C.T. : I come back to the photographer side of Cofidis, do you want to do this all your life ? Finally until retirement ?

M.L : Non, non, non. I think that one day I would like to calm down. And not spend my whole life living with a suitcase (laughter). But for now, I am young. I consider myself lucky to do what I do. But then I know that the day when I would be a little fed up, where I would feel a little jaded to go on the Tour de France, on Roubaix. To be, you have to ask yourself the right questions. And I'm not much of the type, moi, to want to stay on my laurels. So I'm more of the type to want to try new adventures, to learn, to always evolve. For the moment, I think my path is not finished on the photo side, Cofidis side. Who knows what will happen next ? You never know what tomorrow is made of.

C.T. : Can you give us the advantages and constraints of the job ? 

M.L : The advantages are that, when you are passionate about cycling or sports, to be like that, every day, daily, in contact with athletes that we are used to seeing on television, it is a chance. It's a privilege. You also have to know not to abuse it too much.. 'Cause I'm not here to bother them all 5 seconds for a photo, a video. I really try to protect them and leave them in their bubble as much as possible. Even if we still laugh a lot ! 

And after, the inconvenients, I would say, that we do not have the same access as official photographers or journalists at certain times. So you have to know how to elbow, in particular on the arrivals of Grand Tours or major events, but we adapt.

“it's incredible […] to be able to tell what we know”

C.T. : You commented on the Women's Morbihan Grand Prix with Marion Hérault-Garnier. What does it mean to you ? It was a dream ? An ambition ? A desire ?

M.L : For me, for us, it represented a lot of being able to be two women to comment. We also commented on the men in the afternoon. It was a first and it's terrible that we have to wait 2023 for it to be one. Knowing that in addition Marion, she is a friend. We get along very well and we support each other in our careers.. We are about the same character level. Necessarily, It was an incredible moment and I think we got on really well right away.. Like off the air in fact. And that's cool ! I hope it will be able to happen again because it is always a joy.

In fact, the idea is that at some point, we will have to stop saying to ourselves “She is commenting on a women’s race, because she's a woman" and "Wow she's commenting on a man's race because she's a woman". You just have to take into account the skills and the follow-up of the race. when you see, for example, Marion Rousse on national France TV, she recognizes all the runners, she knows all the racing tactics and we stopped saying "She's here because she makes up the numbers", because she is a woman. But because she is ultra competent

C.T. : You could see yourself doing it more often ? Make it your main activity ?

M.L : That's a very good question. It is true that, if I had the opportunity to do it more often, i think i will go for it. Because it's amazing to be in the heart of the race, to be able to tell what we know, what we see, what we guess, what appears in running tactics or attacking, or feeling. After, for the moment, I tell myself that I am still young. So maybe one day the doors will open. But meanwhile, it's up to me to work, to me, to know how to open doors when they arise and to remain serious, focus on my work and continue to develop my other activities on the side.

Thanks to Mathilde for the interview. The part 2 is already available right here, Mathilde mentions in particular her many commitments !

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