Home Interviews Conquering the summits : The Ascension of Jonas Abrahamsen

Conquering the summits : The Ascension of Jonas Abrahamsen

In the demanding world of professional cycling, Every pedal stroke counts for those seeking to stand out. Jonas Abrahamsen, emeritus member of the Uno X Mobility team, embodies this unfailing determination. From his beginnings to his first participation in the legendary Tour de France, we dive into the world of this determined athlete.

From the Abyss to the Supreme Grail

Cycling Times (CT): Hello Jonas. What brought you to the world of cycling? ?

Jonas Abrahamsen (AND): Bonjour. At the beginning, I was a football player, but after a knee injury, I used cycling as a means of rehabilitation. This is where I discovered an innate talent for cycling. This was the beginning of my passion for this endurance sport.

CT: You joined Uno 2017 and you won the Cyclo Sportive on the sidelines of the Tour… were you thinking of the Tour de France at that time ?

AND: As a cyclist, the Tour de France is always in the back of our minds. It was a dream for me, but I knew the road to get there would be long. Winning the Cyclo Sportive was an inspiring step towards this dream.

CT: During a training outing with Syver Warsted, the latter was the victim of a very serious collision with serious injuries... What do you think of his return to competition in 2021 ?

AND: It was a difficult moment to live through. Watching a close friend suffer such injuries was harrowing. His return to competition in 2021 was a great source of emotion for me. We shared so many workouts and highlights together, and seeing him get back on the bike was truly inspiring.

CT: What was your reaction when you found out you were going to take part in your first Tour de France last year? ?

AND: I was overcome with excitement. It was unexpected, especially after a big fall at the start of the season which damaged my physical condition. Participate in the Tour de France, the biggest cycling race in the world, for the first time with the team, was an incredible experience.

CT: Can you describe your experience of this first Tour de France to us? ?

AND: It was simply incredible. We hear so many things about the Tour, but live each step, feel the unique atmosphere that reigns on the road, it was really special. It was an experience I will never forget.

CT: You were very close to victory during the stage arriving in Bourg-en-Bresse. Did you believe it in the morning when you took part in the breakaway? ?

AND: Despite the fatigue accumulated in this third week, I must admit that I didn't really believe it. I don’t think anyone in the breakaway was really convinced they could win. But sometimes, the impossible becomes possible, is not it ?

An unforgettable Spring.

CT: How did you start this new season in the colors of Uno ?

AND: My season got off to a flying start. I have accumulated many races and I feel in great shape at the moment. I narrowly missed the feat during the 4th stage of the Tirreno-Adriatico and I also won my first podium on the semi-classics in Travers Les Flanders.

CT: How was the first monument of your career in Milan San Remo? ? Did Kristoff's fall change the team's strategy ?

AND: Participate in Milan-San Remo, my first monument, was an incredible experience. Italy offers a magnificent setting for cycling. As for team strategy, Yes, it was modified after the fall of Kristoff. My role was initially to help Alex until the end, but with the circumstances, I had the opportunity to play my own card.

CT: As a member of the Uno X Mobility team, what are the values ​​or philosophy that motivate you to give the best of yourself on the bike ?

AND: For me, it is above all the desire to become a better cyclist at all levels, whether physically or tactically. It’s this constant quest for improvement that pushes me to surpass myself in each race..

CT: How do you see your future in professional cycling and what are your short and long term goals? ?

AND: Short term, I hope to achieve a professional victory. Long-term, my ultimate goal is to get on the podium of a monument, it would be a consecration for me.

CT: Outside of cycling, what are your passions or interests that help you find balance as an athlete ?

AND: Outside of cycling, I like spending time with my loved ones, my friends and my girlfriend. It is essential for me to find a balance and do something other than cycling to relax and recharge my batteries.

A sincere thank you to Jonas Abrahamsen for sharing his captivating journey with us. We wish him a great rest of the season

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1 comment

Yannick Ouedraogo April 10, 2024 - 5:34 am

I note that even at the level, you have to find a life-family balance, Will Uno-x be more present with him on the big tours??


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