Home EquipmentEssays Look Keo Blade Carbon

Look Keo Blade Carbon

by William Duvigneau

Today, we take a look at the famous automatic pedals for which Look is famous, the Keo Blade Carbon. We tested them for you, here is the result of our test. Let's go !

Lightness, a first strong point

The race to weight is not just for wheels and other carbon bottle cages. Indeed, all components are now scrutinized from this point of view, and it must be said that Look does not do things halfway on its Keo Blade Carbon. 115 g by pedal, and 35 g for the associated shims, we are clearly on a light model for this type of rather wide pedals, perfectly able to compete with rival brands in this segment. A very contained weight therefore, obtained through the use of carbon and the optimization of materials. A lighter version is also available, of Keo Blade Carbon TI, at a higher price point of course. But the weight, on a pedal, is far from the only criterion…

Optimal power transfer

The famous power transfer, the one that determines the effectiveness of a pedal, but also the shoe / cleat / pedal assembly or even transmission. A key factor, since this is the one that allows you to save watts by using as much of the effort as possible to move the machine forward. And there again, these Keo Blade Carbon are present. Composite blades provide very interesting tension and maximize efficiency together, to obtain a report “weight / power” very advantageous. A very well-developed axis that improves this yield, with steel bearings. Whether on long rides or sprints, the pedals are very responsive, very resistant and offer excellent performance. A real success from this point of view. Furthermore, the pedals did not suffer from our test and no play is to be deplored after several hundred kilometers, the bearings remain very smooth.

Keo Blade Carbon offer a very interesting yield

The support surface, the ideal compromise ?

The bearing surface is not the largest on the market, but still pretty good. Mostly, the feeling offered is reassuring, almost enveloping. We are perfectly anchored in these pedals and the fairly large contact surface provides great sensations.. An interesting compromise, which will suit many runners who love these fairly large models. Like any pedal, it takes some getting used to and it may take more or less time. Personally, my habit of even larger Time pedals prompts me to say that this support surface deserves to be a little bigger, and especially longer, but I cannot deny that this is a very successful model and offers a very wide range of uses. Everyone will have their own opinion on this, but the whole model is very worked and above all very efficient.

Easy to use, except for a few details

In use, this model is quite easy to use. The pedals are quite flexible in pedaling and allow a slight lateral movement, allowing everyone to find their balance. The pedal stroke is very fluid and we quickly forget these pedals in the movement. Only small downside that many cyclists will find, when climbing on his machine, the pedals sometimes tend to position themselves in the opposite position to that desired, forcing the runner to reposition it with his shoe before clipping his cleats into it. A slight inconvenience that can be important if you often take off your shoes during your sessions. But once well hooked, nothing to say, the pedal cleat assembly plays its role perfectly. The last downside to underline, probably the most unpleasant, is the slippery side of the wedges, that we recommend instead in their version “Grip”. When you walk a few meters with your shoes on, or simply to get on his machine, it is sometimes quite difficult not to slip, especially if the soil is wet. It is therefore necessary to be careful to ensure its support so as not to end up on the ground in an unfavorable way… A problem that is often found on holds of this type, who caught our attention on this essay. It will suffice to replace these wedges with Keo Grip, in order to solve this problem, or for the most economical, to be careful walking on its blocks.

Our opinion

Generally, these Keo Blade Carbon offer very interesting performance for this price range (130 euros). The pedaling is smooth, reactive and the performance is excellent. It is therefore not for nothing that this is one of the benchmarks in the pedal market.. The weight is also quite contained, and the use is rather easy. The only downsides are therefore the unfortunate tendency that they may have to turn around when taking off their shoes, as well as the slippery side of the Keo Cleat wedges. I was not really won over by this model because I was used to other types of pedals, but it will satisfy all runners, from competitors to Sunday cyclists in search of sensations. Overall positive results, with pedals that live up to their reputation…

We liked :

The weight rather contained

The yield, excellent for this price range

The large contact surface, very pleasant

We liked less :

The coves, quite slippery in Keo Cleat version. Prefer the Keo Grip

Their tendency to turn around when taking off their shoes, rather unpleasant



Technical sheet

Mark : Look

Model : Keo Blade Carbon

Price : 130 €

Weight : 115g the pedal, 150 shims included

Material : carbon body, lame composite

Tension : 12nm on the tested model, also available in 8nm

Cales : Keo Cleat for our test

Contact surface : 700mm2

Support width : 67mm

Support height : 14,8mm au total (8,5 for the pedal, 6,3 for the hold)

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