Home EquipmentEssays Look 785 Huez RS Disc

Look 785 Huez RS Disc

by William Duvigneau

I had already presented my first test at Look, that of 795 Blade RS Disc, few months ago. A very interesting test which logically made me want to dig into the Nivernais brand, and it was therefore with great pleasure that I was able to test the other flagship model of the French manufacturer, the 785 Huez RS, also in its disc version. A rather versatile model and oriented towards hilly terrain. Without further ado, I suggest you discover the results of this test, made on 2 months and more than 1500km. Let's go !

Machine discovery

The high rim Corima brings a good dose of versatility to this lightweight frame

So here is the 785 Huez RS, a high-end bike rather versatile and intended for rough terrain. Our test model is here in a red and black color with a matte finish. In this configuration, it is equipped with a Shimano Ultegra Di2 drivetrain and a pair of Corima WS 47mm disc wheels, which I will come back to in more detail in a future article. Gallows, handlebar and seat post are signed Look, and the saddle is a model from the Italian brand San Marco. Weighed at around 7.5kg, the model is available with Vittoria wheels for 6500 euros at the equipment manufacturer, we are therefore dealing with a high-end bike intended for competitors above all. Now let's move on to the first impressions on the first kilometers.

A demanding but relatively comfortable setting

The first turns of the wheel are not wrong on this type of machine. You immediately feel the precision and level of performance of the 785 Huez RS, cut for competition. The name RS evokes the carbon fiber used, very high quality at Look, and used on the most efficient models of the brand. The frame is oriented for hilly terrain, but seems to react very well on the dish. I got used to the feel of the Blade RS, and I must admit that the two machines do not have much to do with. The Blade was ultimately very versatile, and adapted to its pilot very easily, with a very pronounced dominant for the plain. Here, the sensations are very different. The dominant is more aggressive, and you quickly feel a more demanding environment, which needs to be pushed to its limits to be appreciated at its true value. However, the level of comfort is good, even if the roughness of the road is quickly felt at low speed on the lower back. A first glimpse that makes you want to know more about this model, and therefore I approached the specific test phases with a very attentive eye and a lot of curiosity.

Tailored for punchers / climbers

So I did several tests on his favorite terrain, namely roads with a significant difference in height. After all, it is indeed a versatile bike and intended for this type of route, especially since its weight contained for a disc version offers good prospects. And there, the situation changes completely. Once on the pedals, the bike offers excellent performance, whatever the configuration of the land. If of course the plain is not necessarily to his advantage, it still seems to offer very good sensations at high speed. Obviously, when the road rises, driving on such a machine becomes a real treat, and the weight of the records can be forgotten. Performance is excellent on steep slopes, but also on rolling climbs. But above all, it's a frame that adapts very well to changes of pace, very common in competition and which is one of the key performance factors. The choice of electronic transmission is all the more interesting, with smooth and fast gear changes on this Ultegra Di2 groupset. I expected a performance bike on this terrain, and the least we can say, is that I am not disappointed ! Attention, to benefit from a return of this level, however, it is important to maintain a high intensity in the effort, to get closer to competition conditions, in which he shines through his respondent. I was able to test the machine on a very particular terrain, namely the Mur de Bretagne coast, climbed by the Tour de France peloton on several occasions. A very good experience which allowed me to accurately visualize the performance of such equipment on very difficult terrain, with, as you know, percentages over 10%. Three climbs later, I am fully satisfied with what I observed in the climbs, confirming my previous impressions. Small downside, climbing the Wall of Brittany three times requires, Of course, to also lower the difficulty three times. Apart from my poor qualities as a descender who, that said, don't play much on a straight downhill, I quickly felt the limits of the bike on this very dangerous descent. With a strong side wind, the bike started to vibrate at the bottom of the descent, making the control of the trajectory somewhat hazardous, not to say non-existent. A small downside which should not have a big influence on race performance, because I doubt that a descent as dangerous as this is on the program of any amateur race. An element that must nevertheless be taken into account when rushing headlong down a pass, so as not to be surprised by his change in behavior.

The performance of this 785 Huez RS will be perfect for demanding punchers and climbers

A very interesting level of performance in competition

A frame that is intended to be used in competition must be tested in real conditions, is not it ? Covid oblige, I had not been able to carry out a field test with the previous model, but I was able to take advantage of the resumption of competitions for this second test. The opportunity to test the beast in its natural environment, and there again, no bad surprises. It is quite simply a bike perfectly suited to the most demanding races and offering difficult routes. Raises are absorbed with ease, and the yield on the hill allows you to move on these terrains in an economical way. A bike that you can also take with you when sprinting, with a tonic start, and good resistance once your peak speed is reached. As soon as the speed is high, you will not encounter any difficulty with this bike, on rising portions as well as on flat portions, where the yield remains excellent. Very important point, disc braking, I'm starting to get used to, offers safety and ease in a very appreciable peloton, despite the weight gain. I was never a fan of disc brakes, but I must recognize their effectiveness, especially when it comes time to navigate a peloton of 200 runners on descents and hairpin turns. However, if there is a time when this 785 Huez RS will no longer enchant you, this is of course when you will no longer be able to keep up with the tempo imposed by your opponents. Distanced at the end of the race on a difficult course, I unfortunately had the experience of riding on a demanding bike when the body is no longer responding. And here, no miracle, you have to drag your misery to courage and not wait for any support from this bike when the failure occurs. If it's fluttering when you're in the rhythm, it completely changes its behavior once stopped on hills or on windy sections. Can't find a second wind, you will have to fight to keep your speed, and this is the downside of this framework, who once out of his favorite area, seems reluctant to support you in your efforts. Do not panic, of course, it took me a craving and 20 kilometers in a carafe behind the peloton to reach this conclusion, undoubtedly accentuated by the mediocre sensations felt in this type of situation. So you have to get used to the idea that this bike is aimed at competitors looking for performance, and that once out of this context, it offers slightly more mixed sensations, without being prohibitive.

And over time ?

The last point I was able to test, with some surprise I admit it, remains his ability to adapt to long durations in training. Like at Cycling Times, we don't like to do things by halves, we decided to think big for this last test. So on the program, an exit from 300 km on the very fast tracks connecting Rennes to Saint Malo, For the experts. 10h of pleasure and suffering, to push the limits of this bike over these long periods. And there, What a surprise, the bike was able to respond perfectly to the effort required, despite the demanding side mentioned above. Comfort has remained constant, and finally more than enough to cash such an output, traveled at about 30km/h on average. A speed quite far from the racing speeds which did not prevent me from experiencing very interesting sensations throughout the day. In reality, once you get used to this machine and its requirements, it becomes possible to perform any type of effort without feeling a lack of comfort or performance, although a frame like the Blade RS seemed more able to adapt to your level, despite its higher weight.

Our opinion

Ce Look 785 Huez RS is a pretty interesting setting overall, which expresses its qualities when you put a little good will into it. Comfort will not be its strong point, but the long ones (very long) outings will have proven that he is perfectly able to take you anywhere, whatever the nature of the terrain. A framework for competitors, which responds wonderfully once launched, and which offers great responsiveness during changes of pace despite its slightly higher weight due to the disc brakes. A positive result that will appeal to seasoned competitors, but also cyclists residing in hilly regions, who will be able to take advantage of its qualities on this type of terrain to have fun in training or on beautiful cyclosportives. The few caveats mentioned should nevertheless be taken into consideration, because this 785 remains a demanding machine that will not necessarily suit everyone.

We liked :

The sensations in competition and at high intensity

The weight contained for a disc version

The good feelings experienced over time

Braking and steering precision

The price, enough content for a frame of this level

We liked less :

Its downhill performance, fairly average

Its lack of comfort at low intensity, sometimes binding



Technical sheet

Mark : Look

Model : 785 Huez RS Disc

Price : 6500 €

Weight : 7,5kg

Transmission : Shimano Ultegra Di2

Wheels : Corima 47 WS

Hanger, gallows, saddle stem : Look

Its : San Marco

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